Design class. I can still recall our last summer, I still see it all.. Walks along the Seine, Laughing in the rain. Our last summer, Memories that remain.
PSA stands for Public Service Announcement if you're wondering. *smiles*
My PSA due date is on the 1st of November and I"m still stuck on my title. It should be easy, because we can pick on any topic we want. But it is not as easy as you may think.
Public Speaking is tomorrow, I will be talking on self defense. Can't wait to get over it. Hopefully I'll be able to concentrate fully on my PSA after my speech.
Oh ya, this song keep popping out from my mind. Try listening =)
Honestly, this verse really keeps me going. That's how my template come about. I can't do it by my own strength but with His strength I can!
Though we may not be in the most desirable place, we should find contentment and joy, knowing that Christ will give us the strength to get through anything.
In life there's no easy way out. There's always ups and downs. All those works and assignments palling up just drains down your energy bar.
But with Him there cheering you on and providing you the endless strength from above, it feels Great!
Always remember no matter what may happen in life, He will never leave you nor forsake you.
Even if a mother could forget her own child He will not forget you.
I thought she's Nadia but no, she's the Producer. The worst part is when I mistakenly called her Nadia. *paiseh* Oh Ya, meet JULES! And Adam!
This is where you wait until your number is called. That's the entrance to the room.
With them! They're so Friendly!
The registration counter.
Chilling area.
Then directly opposite you'll get to see Prem in action!
He actually smiled to the camera! Great right!
Then I asked whether I can take a picture with him through the glass while he sits in there, but he said wait and he came out instead! Whoa!
Crazy Picture with Prem! Notice that we both have wrist bands. *wink*
This is one of the Best Experience I ever had so far!
And So far there's no news from them, I've already expected that I won't get in. But still, I'm so glad that I tried out. I'm there for the experience. I've never been to any auditions before and this is my First one!
When we're leaving I saw this car!
The 8TV Car! Wish to be part of the Team one day *smiles*
Register now to reserved your seats for Planet Radio 2010! Your chance to get the inside scoop about the radio industry this 13th November at Taylor's University!
Oh! You need to be between the age of 18 - 25.
Send in your details - full name, ic number, hp number and name of uni/college that you are currently attending to
I'm suppose to be doing my second project which is due this coming Friday, and the out come is this. I've got no idea for my second project but this came out of nowhere.
Anyone participating? I thought of giving it a try, so I submitted my resume. Well no harm trying out right? *smiles*
Times past without any replies from them. I didn't expect them to interview a student tho.
BUT! I received their e-mail on the day before their audition!
Hi Flydol applicant!
Thanks for submitting your resume to us and it was a pleasure reading about you! But now, for the next big step, we would love to get to know you personally!
The Flydol Open Auditions
Date: Saturday and Sunday (16th – 17th October 2010)
Time: 10 – 6pm
Venue: Media Prima, Sri Pentas (Beside One World Hotel, 1 Utama)
What do you need to bring? Nothing much! Just yourself, your fantastic personality, a lot of energy and a big, fat smile!
See you there!
The Fly Fm Family
Want to know the outcome of it? Stay tuned!! *grins*
I love what He has blessed me with! I know all this situations happen for a reason and as time goes by, I can see things clicking! Thank You Daddy God!
Initially it was only Wednesday then they had it on Thursday as well. How was the crowd? It was PHENOMENAL! FULL HOUSE!! It was so pack until you step on each others shoes!
To those who missed it, have a look *smiles*
Nice backdrop eh.
Opening by Hillsong's students.
Pastor Ken.
Pastor Lee Burns is Great!
I remembered he said this, Lee: God i can't do this on my own I need Your help. Him: I know. Lee: It's so hard to convinced others about Your Unconditional Love. Him: I know.
Haha, after every question, the crowd answered for him. I know.
Q & A time during Arts, Creative and Worship Seminar.
Esther (holding the microphone) has a Great Voice! And her husband who is in white is a Great Drummer! Check it out!
During the praise and worship session
One of the songs they sang. Take It All *Grins*
Overall, it was GREAT! AWESOME with His presence! Many came to know Him too!
Want to see more? Have a look here,