This Is A Story Of A Girl Who Cried A River And Drowned The Whole World!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Living for God`s Well done

If you`re a follower of Jesus, the Holy Spirit is in your life and He has given you spiritual gifts. One day, the Bible says, we`re going to stand before God and have the opportunity to hear the God of the universe say to us: 

  • Well done 
    It`s worth spending some time thinking about that moment. Think about the God who made you, the God of the universe, looking you in the eye saying:

  • Well done!
    Do you want to live for that? 
    I want to be faithful to God`s calling in my life. I want to develop the gifts that He has given to me to the fullest extent that I can. I want to serve. I want to give with the things that He has given to me. I want to encourage other people and cheer them on.

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