This Is A Story Of A Girl Who Cried A River And Drowned The Whole World!

Friday, January 18, 2013


Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! 

One of the things that you need to experience for yourself is the snow!

No matter how you hard you try to capture it with your camera,
you can't really convey it out to your viewers.

So what I am trying to say is:
You must experience the snow for yourself!! *snowing process*
It is very magical! So pure and white! So Beautiful!!

- worst headache ever! *this morning*
- taking pictures in the early morning *memorable*
- butt numbs
- throwing snow balls at windows! 
- went to St Albans on Wednesday *bought lots of bananas with a really good price*
- coffee at night is a no no for me *too hyper*
- I'm definitely going to miss all my brothers and sisters here

1 comment:

wenn said...

wow, snows..i have only seen it in switzerland but didn't experience the snowing process.

why headache? must take activize and not coffee!

take care!