This Is A Story Of A Girl Who Cried A River And Drowned The Whole World!

Saturday, October 13, 2012


Here before Your alter I am letting go of all I've held of every motive,
every burden everything that's of myself..

12th Friday
- IT'S A BEAUTIFUL DAY!! *strums me imaginary guitar*
sings *Beautiful, beautiful I am lost for more to say
           Beautiful, Oh Lord You're beautiful to me*
- went Galeria with Ley Juan and finally bought a casual shoe
- looking through the posters was so tempting, but why do I need them?
- IELTS test was okay? *aptitude test -new word*
- CF International Day! Checkered clothes! *I hads fun!*
- questions questions *what if what if*
- spontaneously randomly did something for Siew Yau's birthday, I wonder where it came from

13th Saturday
- Archery was fun! *hit myself at the elbow again, new swell*
- cooked my last maggie mee with an egg
- started my assignment with a confused mind, I'm so lost!
now I'm wondering if I should take journalism next semester *maybe not*
- Must finish up the assignment by tonight!! *GO JANE*
but I don't understand what I'm doing?

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 
in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. 
Proverbs 3:5-6


wenn said...

You can do positive..

wenn said...
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